How to make a free website

How to make a free website
Hi! Guys I am Laxman Sah from siraha Nepal today I am going to tell you that how to make a free website. if You want to earn money by online othewise you want to make your personal website so I am going to tell you that how can you make free website. Its very simple to make a website but for this u need gmail I'd.
Step 1:: we need gmail I'd to make a website
If you don't have gmail I'd so, don't worry! Go on Google and search how to make gmail I'd there will be many tips to make a gmail I'd whereby you can easily create gmail account. If you have already gmail I'd so you have to go on There will be open a form where u have to login with your gmail I'd. 

step: 2 login after u have to click on new blog buttom. 
Click on new blog buttom after you have to put your website name and address in the first screen.
                 Create a new blog
Put the website name and address after click below on create buttom.

Step 3: Now ur website will be ready after sometimes
5 minutes after u can post and upload on ur website so, guys how did my tips to  make a free website? Now I think that u will have learnt that how to make a free website. If u haven't understood yet so, comment me below I will help u guys. By the way I am laxman Sah from Siraha Nepal and I am studying in 12th.


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