
Use of This, that, these & those

नमस्कार दोस्तो। हमारे ब्लॉग पर आपको स्वागत है। आज में फिर से हमेशा की तरह एक नए ब्लॉग लेके आगया हू। आजका हमारा टॉपिक है । This , that , these & those को कैसे इस्तेमाल करे।  तो दोस्तो This , that , these & those ये सारे प्रोनाउन है । This & that सिंगुलर सब्जेस्ट के लिए इस्तेमाल करते है।  Example:  1) ये कलम मेरा है। This is my pen. 2) वो कलम मेरा है। That is my pen. 3) ये मेरा कलमें हैं। These are my pens. 4) वो मेरा कलमें है।  Those are my pens. तो दोस्तो ! This का मतलब पास में कोई चीज या वस्तु सिंगूलर हो। और that का मतलब कोई भी चीज या वस्तु सिंगूलर हो और वो दूर हो। अब चलते है these and those की तरफ These का मतलब पास में कोई चीज या वस्तु पुलुरल हो। और Those का मतलब कोई भी चीज या वस्तु पुलुरल हो और वो दूर हो।

Laxman sah

Photos of laxman sah siraha Nepal

Laxman sah


Laxman sah


How to increase height

Hi guys! I am Laxman Sah from siraha nepal. Today I have come to take the tips of increase height. If u r looking to best tips of increase Height. So don't worry! U have come in right place. Today I am about to give u many tips to increase height whereby u can easily increase your height. So guys! first u must to know before increase height that the age of increase height. Generally we have listen, the age of increase height till 18 for boys and 16 for girls and it has proved by medical science too. So guys! U r over than this age then u can be so difficult to increase your height. If u r under than this age then u can easily increase your height with the help of my tips. Do u know? what's the reason to stop our height increase in child age! There are two reason to stop our height increase in child age first heredity and second nutrition. You will have known very well about heredity. Example, your father is smaller in height so u can be also smaller in height but it doesn't